Karen Silk, Director of Capital International, went to Southampton University for their fourth Engineering Design Show to support Capital’s sponsored student, Marcus Collier-Wright.
It was a very impressive event:

Marcus and his team have spent the last year designing, manufacturing and testing a Neutraliser for an Ion Thruster. He has kept Capital regularly updated with weekly blog posts on the progress of their project. All their hard work paid off, as their project was shortlisted for the Design Excellence Award, which meant that their project was placed in the top 5 of the 43 presented. Congratulations to the winners, who designed a system to provide low cost sustainable solution for irrigation, drinking water and electricity for communities in Nigeria.
It was amazing to be able to finally see the physical results of all of Marcus’ hard work in person. Many industry leaders were present for the Design Show and were incredibly complementary of the impressive design of the neutraliser.
Very well done to both Marcus and his group.